Monday, August 16, 2010

J&P Coats TC history

J & P Coats - Trade Cards - 
A little bit of history

In the early 1800’s James Coats opened a cotton thread mill. The cotton thread produced by the mill had initially been created by Patrick Clark who developed a method of twisting cotton yarns together to produce an exceptionally strong thread. This thread was able to replace the more traditional material of silk in everything from needle sewing to looms.

In 1830 James and Peter Coats took over their fathers’ mills and by 1840 they were exporting substantial quantities to America. By the late 1860’s the Coats had a factory in the USA. It was not until the mid 1880’s that a new 6 cord thread was developed which was suitable for sewing machine use.

Throughout this time J & P Clark advertised using Trade Cards. There are many different sizes, shapes and styles that J & P Coats used on these cards. A few of these cards contained illustrations by Kate Greenaway.

J.P.Coats used 17 different known Kate Greenaway images in this set. There is also an 18th card but it was not known with the J.P.Coats advert. The cards exist in 7 different color variations with no one design having more that three color variations.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fall Banner Swap 2010

L fron Cindy

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Haunted Putz House

After getting interested at P&R Delphi's Putz house swaps, I decided to try to make a haunted mansion. My idea is to put it into a bird cage I found at a flea market this Spring., add some  creepy trees and moss, tiny lights, pumpkins,  witch etc..the embellishing will be fun once i get going.  so far, this is  the putz  mansion I made. I was thinking I need to age it some though..any suggestions?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Made By Deb Peterson ( Brandyanne)   she states..."It is fairy clipart printed on cardstock and then cut out in a somewhat wavy shape- you need a small piece of styrofoam- very small so it will be in the front of the jar- mine is bent forward because my styrofoam was too large- cut a small notch in the styrofaom for the image to fit in- use hot glue to attach the graphic- cover the styrofoam with spanish moss- then altrenate layering potpourri and the lights- rubberband a doilt around the top- tie ribbon around it to hide the rubberband and plug in!"

Friday, March 5, 2010

Garden Sun Catcher Challenge

We are heading up a new challenge for crafters to use outside in the yard and garden...a sun catcher on a stake.
 Pictures of your entry are due to me (  May 1st...Sun catcher stakes for a garden...You can use any old plates, glass bird, door knobs, colored jars,  beads, anything you can "salvage" and place on a stake to attractively display outside... repurposing is fun  so  let's see things  you all come up with!  (winner will receive a hand crafted, embroidered,  and quilted seed bag with  several packages of flower seeds tucked  inside...see below)  .)  send all entries to me at the given address  and we will do a secret ballot  after the 1st of May.  I am seeing lots of ideas on the internet get inspired and think Spring!!  The sun catcher can  be one to add to a favorite potted plant , hung from a hanger or a stake in your garden.  Have fun with this one!!.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Tin Can Challenge for March 1st

Welome to the Cubby Hole !..anything goes here when it comes to challenges and this  one promises to be fun and inexpensive! On March 1st we will be voting for a winner, so have your project turned in to Cindy before the vote starts. Send your picture to and I will see it gets puts here  for eveyone to view. Your name will be held until after the voting is done and winners announce.  Rules are you take a tin can of any size and make  a craft project from it! You can enter as many times as you wish and agree to let us publish your picture here at the Keeping Room. There will be a nice prize awaiting the lucky winner .  Good luck and have fun!!!

Contestant #1( cindy for a sample of the contest)

Contestant #2 ( Cindy) tied first with Judy R.

Made from three cans  ( Sams club canned chicken tins), wallaper and prints
small piece fabric and cotton filler for pin keep

This is a three compartment pin keep to hold pins , needles and buttons.
 The tins have a rim that fit into each other for stacking. 

Contestant #3 (  Jean Ohio) honorable mention

"When I was in Junior Achievment  , we made one of these
and I gave it to mysister...She really loved it... I used a Brooks Chili
 Bean can for the can part..then Iused twine to wrap around it a couple of times...I used
 two pieces of thin wood for the braces on the sides and for the roof I used corugated cardboard
 and painted it burgundy...I put some dirt in a plastic bag
 for the weight and also to put the flowers into...I used a couple of bees
here and there"

Contestant #4( Sondra) 3rd place
"My boy's bathroom is decorated with fishing pictures & kitschy fishermen stuff. I decided to make some tin caddies to store their toothbrushes/paste, hair stuff, etc. Then I made one just for fun, the old can 'o worms. (As in "who opened up that can of worms"? expressions..ha, ha!)
I tried to make it prim, but I think all of my cans turned out more vintage. The graphics I had to work with were mostly from the 50's. I baked & aged all the graphics on each can. Then I grubbed up some decor cording for the worms in the can. I like the expression "Good things come to those who bait". The pretend name on the label reads "Bubba's Bait & Tackle Shack". "


Contestant #5
Larger sized tin can  to hold  collection of bobbins. The Uncle sam was a gift from Sandy Schutt a couple years ago to me ( cindy) . BTW, The 2 qt jar is a bean keep ( idea from Char's blog site)  that has secret place to hide momma's mad money!


Contestant #6
Rusty Paint Can Lantern

Made by filling can with water  and freezing...then using a punch, hammered design into can... then let water thaw and set outside to rust. String of christmas lights ( circular hole in back for cord)  inserted.I was getting  anxious to see moreentries and ideas and decided to add another...( cindy)  For outside patio can use a candle or LED Lamp. I plan opn using it as a bird house, as the hole is sanded down smoothly( in back) with no sharp edges and is well ventilated,


Tin Can challenger #7 Judy tied first place
my tin can challenge:

"I took a tin can and spray painted it black. Then I made a bouquet of dried flowers that I have grown, bought, and shared from a friend and hot glued them in the can. The label I made from my printing program. The reason why I made this is because I wanted it be a remembrance of all the friendships I've made that I hold very dear to my heart. Although a key board and screen seperate us I don't think you will find a more caring group than what is here. Everyone at this forum makes it the best. Whenever in need of anything be it pray or just a kind word to brighten someones days it is here you can be sure to find it here with open arms! So as the saying goes....when this you see think of me.....I will be sure to think and be thankful for all of you!"

  ((She has even shared the graphic with us!))
Contestant #8 Kathy, honerable mention
  Here's  my can for the challenge!.. its a recycled tin paint can.. still had one clean in the garage LOL.. so used it for a birthday "gift" wrap.. just used scrapbook paper, cut the girls inital added the flower
and various ribbon on the handle..


Contestant #9  Electric candle lamp (Ann F honerable mention)


Challenger #10  Deb  P  Honorable mention
Hand made corn cob doll attached to a painted tin can for use as a prim q tip holder that can be hung from a peg.


~Your tin can challenge is next! ~